New Settlements

These are the new settlements that affect more than just one person. If you have any questions or if these are violated in anyway please contact a steward.



Custodian Level 7 - Custodians to receive level 7 pay for parcel sorting during Xmas.

Line H 2019 - settled with a payout for everyone

No Lunch Policy - A Settlement on the No Lunch Policy has been reach at step 3. It is to go back to prior practice of allowing anyone to no lunch as long as there is coverage. 

Removal of "Rob Walker Signs"Settlement for the removal of all "Not a break room per Rob Walker" Signs that target only Maintenance Employees.

Cease & Desist Bad Bargaining - Management had agree to stop bargaining in bad faith.

Custodial Work Settlement - This settlement states that the work orders will be rotated so that no one person gets the same thing day after day. It also states that management will abide by the CTC guidelines as well.

Management doing Clerk Craft Jobs - If you see a manager running a machine please report it to a steward. There is a bargaining work form for this. We may not be able to stop management from working on machines but every time it's reported the clerks WILL be paid for that missing work.

Steward Release  - Settlement - Management will get an employee a steward within 20 minutes of their request or give the employee a steward release form.

Higher Level Pay Form - Settlement concerning higher level pay for custodians. Management agrees to use official USPS forms 1261, 1260, or time clock rings for higher level pay.

Damage Control Room - The damage control room will be updated and new training and/or service talk will be provided in the event of an emergency.

Contractor Notice - Management will provide 72 hours advanced notice of any contractors to be in the building.


Annual Leave Extension MOU

MOU for Leave Exchange

Custodial Staffing Agreement - APO can use contract cleaning if deemed necessary by both parties (Feb 10th 2020).

MOU: Contingency for Coronavirus Pandemic: Required Travel for Training at NCED in Oklahoma (March 12, 2020)

MOU: COVID-19 Emergency Considerations for Fiscal Year 2020 MS-47, TL-5 Line H Liabilities (April 6, 2020)

MS 1 Handbook Step-4 Settlement and Implementation (Aug. 8, 2019) 

Arbitration: Goldberg - Roof maintenance Arbitration Decision (Jan. 4, 2019).


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