Local Info

This page is for anything our local union specifically does, whether that be local settlements or our LMOU.

2016 Local Memorandum of Understanding (latest LMOU on record)

Local Constitution & By Laws

Settlement 99-1064 - Binding Step 2 Settlement on how to request a steward

Other Local Settlements - Misc local settlements for maint.

Meetings are online via ZOOM, please ask your steward for an invite link to join in. they usually happen at around 7pm for general membership.
We will be creating a Zoom room so those with out access can attend meetings as well.

Meetings happen nearly every month and will be announced ahead of time. All of the General meetings happen at 7pm. They always take place at the AFL-CIO building downtown.

Building address: 419 S. Washington, Lansing
Corner of Wahington and Lenawee St., entrance to lot is off of Lenawee.

Updated: 3/9/2021

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