Here's a page dedicated to the questions we here all the time. If you have any questions that aren't answered here feel free to ask them in the comments or email us and we will be sure to find an answer for you.


Q. Are we still having meetings in lieu of the Covid response? 

A. Yes, we are still having meetings. All of our scheduled meetings have been moved to Zoom, please ask your steward where to get the meeting link. We understand not all of you are in favor of this but we have little choice with Nationals response to the situation. For those unwilling to use the app or who can't we will be setting up a coupe of dedicated  rooms for these meetings.

Q. Why isn't the Union stopping management from doing craft work?

A. We already have; though we can't directly tell management what to do, we have filed and won a settlement on the issue that will get workers paid for any hours management spends doing craft work. So if you ever see management doing craft work just fill out a bargaining work form with what job was being done by management and for approximately how long, give it to a steward, and we will see that the appropriate people get paid for that work per the settlement.

Q. What is the Union doing to protect jobs in the maintenance department?

A. We are challenging all recent job reversions. We currently have a grievance at step 3 for the two BEM jobs that were recently wrongly reverted. It's unfortunately a slow process.
We also try to keep cross craft and contractor work to a minimum. We have forced management to pay people for work done by contractors, keeping those hours in our craft.

Q. Why is the Union fucking with things they should just leave alone? Things were fine the way they were.

A. Sometimes things seem to be fine or OK but in reality they really aren't. Management loves to do things that are not proper according to the contract or even postal policies. I know a lot of you see the current managers as good and decent people who will not shaft you, but what about the next manager? Or the one after that? Can you really trust that they will do right by people? Even if you can trust that, the Union can not. This is why the union has forced management to use the proper forms for things, forced them to let us keep track of our own time swipes, and adhere to the contract and any settlements maintenance has. Yes, change is something everyone hates, but nothing improves without it. Please keep in mind that the Union looks at the long term for everyone, current employees and future. So yes, there maybe some short term fussing from management and inconveniences for us and our fellow employees; but long term we force them to have a paper trail so when and if someone gets screwed we can help get them.

Q: How do I request a steward? What if management tells me no?

A: To request a steward you simply tell your immediate supervisor you wish to see a steward. They are supposed to get you one within 20 minutes or give you a release form for later. If this does not happen it's a violation of our agreement with them.
If they tell you no to your request for a steward during a meeting with them they can only do so IF it is not disciplinary in nature; they are allowed to direct their employees which includes but is not limited to telling you what they expect of you or signing a service talk. You can still see a steward afterward if you feel they did something wrong.
Any disciplinary actions, including pre-disciplinary, require them to fulfill your request for a steward according to the contract.
Requesting a steward Information: Local AgreementOther agreements

Q: How do I become a steward?

A: Let one of your local stewards know you are interested in becoming a steward and attend the next scheduled training event. After which the board of members will vote, if your voted in you are a steward and your name will be added to the list.

Q: How do I join the union?

A: Simply visit the Official APWU website and click Join APWU under the OUR UNION tab.

Q. How do I submit an article to The Pacer?

A. To submit and article simply type it up and send it to editor's email: the.pacer@yahoo.com

Q: How do I find out more information about the APWU Health Care? (or join it?)

A: You can visit the national site at https://www.apwuhp.com/ ; Contact the national HR person (contact information is under the Employee Resources page); Or contact our local HR representative.



Updated 9/13/2020

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