Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Social Security Tax Update

The Postal service has announced that it will not be participating in the Social Security Tax pause that an Executive order created. They will be taking out taxes like they normally do. 

Related documents

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Annual Leave Extension

There has been an extension of the annual leave for this year. You can carry 520 hours for this year due to the corona virus preventing people from using their leave. For more details please refer to this MOU

There is also an MOU for Leave Exchange for this year. 

Monday, September 7, 2020

2020 Excecutive Board Elections

The 2020 Executive Board Elections are coming up fast. Those wishing to run for a position should take a look at The Rules and apply for any position they desire to try for. You do not have to be a steward to be on the executive board. 

During this months meeting, Sept 16th, we will be doing the nominations for these positions during the general meeting at 7 pm. This will be a zoom meeting and we encourage all to attend if possible. A link will be posted on the board via QR code or you can ask a steward to text/email you the link. We will also be posting a link on this site as well so look out for that.

If you have any questions about positions feel free to ask or you can refer to our Local Constitution & By Laws which has descriptions for all the positions and their duties within it.

August Meeting Minutes

Here is a copy of the meeting minutes for the August 19th meeting, these are also posted on the APWU board by the lunch room. 

EB/GM Minutes