Monday, October 12, 2020

October Meeting

Our next meeting is October 21st on zoom. General membership starts at 7pm.

Just follow this link or use this ID/PC in your Zoom app to join.

ID: 831 5487 0169 Passcode: 600413

September Minutes

 Here's a link to a copy of the September Minutes, sorry these are so late. 

 This meeting was mostly taken up with nominations for the election, so not much was done.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Social Security Tax Update

The Postal service has announced that it will not be participating in the Social Security Tax pause that an Executive order created. They will be taking out taxes like they normally do. 

Related documents

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Annual Leave Extension

There has been an extension of the annual leave for this year. You can carry 520 hours for this year due to the corona virus preventing people from using their leave. For more details please refer to this MOU

There is also an MOU for Leave Exchange for this year. 

Monday, September 7, 2020

2020 Excecutive Board Elections

The 2020 Executive Board Elections are coming up fast. Those wishing to run for a position should take a look at The Rules and apply for any position they desire to try for. You do not have to be a steward to be on the executive board. 

During this months meeting, Sept 16th, we will be doing the nominations for these positions during the general meeting at 7 pm. This will be a zoom meeting and we encourage all to attend if possible. A link will be posted on the board via QR code or you can ask a steward to text/email you the link. We will also be posting a link on this site as well so look out for that.

If you have any questions about positions feel free to ask or you can refer to our Local Constitution & By Laws which has descriptions for all the positions and their duties within it.

August Meeting Minutes

Here is a copy of the meeting minutes for the August 19th meeting, these are also posted on the APWU board by the lunch room. 

EB/GM Minutes

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Zoom Meeting 8-19

Our August meeting will be on Zoom at 7pm August 19th.

Below is a link to join the meeting. Just scan it with your phone and it will automatically open the app and set you up after a short install.

All future meetings for the year will be on Zoom. However we are looking into setting up a couple of rooms for people to join that can't use the application on their phones or at home. With any luck we will have this set up by September's meeting. I will keep you all posted on that and where it will be held.

Monday, July 13, 2020

Future Meetings

For the foreseeable future, all meetings, both board and general membership, will be online. We are using Zoom for these meetings. If you wish to join one please contact your union steward to receive an invite link via text or email.

If you have any concerns you want brought up at these meetings please let your steward know so they can be added to the talking points.

Our next meeting is July 15th

We also meet on August 19th

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Online Meetings

The union has decided to try to move to online meetings for awhile, we are still trying to hammer out which program we will use going forward. I will keep you posted when I know which program we will be using. Meeting days will not change.

If you have any questions feel free to ask your stewards, they will be happy to help.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Covid-19 Agreements

The union has been taking many steps to help all our members during these trying times. We are working with Postal Management to ensure everyone is covered and as safe as we can make them.

Today the union signed two memoranda of understanding with the Postal Service temporarily expanding paid leave for PSEs and expanding the use of dependent care leave for postal employees with unexpected childcare needs as a result of the pandemic.

Members should consult the attached memoranda and disseminate among their states and locals.

Temporary Expanded Sick Leave for Dependent Care During COVID-19

Temporary Additional Paid Leave for PSEs 

The latest information can be found here.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Monday, February 10, 2020

New Steward Training Feb 25th

The new steward Training will take place February 25th from 4pm to 7pm here at the plant. Room we will be in is 144B.

Let us know if you will be planning on attending or if you have any questions.

Monday, February 3, 2020

February 19th Meeting

Hey guys,

Our next general meeting is at 7pm Wednesday February 19th at the AFL-CIO building down town.  Address can be found under the local webpage.

We hope to see you there.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

New Steward Training

The new steward training we promised has been bumped to the second week of  February. Please let a steward know if you are interested in training. we will announce the exact date at a later time.

Keep in mind just because you get training doesn't mean you have to/ will become a steward. So if you just want to know you're rights better, you are also welcome to join us. 

We hope to see you there!