Sunday, December 29, 2019

Union Meeting the 15th of Jan

We just wanted to make sure you all knew about the upcoming meeting on January 15th 2020. General meeting starts at 7pm that night at the AFL-CIO building downtown. Any member can come to the meeting and contribute. We would love to hear the issues you have on your mind.

Meeting Location address: 419 S. Washington, Lansing
Corner of Wahington and Lenawee St., entrance to lot is off of Lenawee.

We also have training coming up in January for new stewards. We'll announce the date soon.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Maintenance Information Resources & Update Schedule

After a few discussions, your local maintenance stewards have decided we need a resource for our own department specifically. We know a lot of times you all have questions that you can't get answered or concerns that go unaddressed. We hope to address both of these with this blog. Any of you can feel free to ask questions of us or use any resources we post. We recognize that there are many times that information is not disseminated properly and that navigating the myriad of site pages to find one item you need can be a nightmare. So here are the kinds of things you can expect to see posted here.

New Settlement Information - Change of policy settlements for grievances that affect everyone

Forms - Forms useful to both employees and stewards

On going disputes - On going class action disputes that have gone to step 2 & 3 that we are trying to win

Local Info - things that only affect our local like settlements or our LMOU

FAQs - the questions we hear a lot that you want answers to.

Contact Page - A way to contact us directly

We will add miscellaneous things that affect us specifically as a department as well.

Feel free to send us questions so we can get you answers. Keep in mind we sometimes have to research things but we will try to respond within a few days to each question.

Our update schedule will be every 2 weeks or as we get class action settlements. As soon as we have one it will be posted on here within short order; as well as on our Union board.