Thursday, July 1, 2021

Trying to go downtown in August

 Now that the restrictions have lifted we are trying ot get permission to meeting in the AFL-CIO building once more. with any luck our next meeting with be downtown. I will keep you all posted.

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

March 17th General Membership Meeting


Our next scheduled meeting is March 17th.


Executive Board Meeting starts at 5:30pm

General Membership starts at 7pm


Meeting Code: 601 000 6725

Pass Code: cmal300
Email or Text Maceo Cosper if you have trouble joining.
Reminder All Meeting minutes are now on the Meeting Minute Page.

March 10th Special Meeting


Our president has called a special meeting concerning the budget.

Meeting will take place at 5:30pm on Zoom.

Meeting Code: 601 000 6725

Pass Code: cmal300
Email or Text Maceo Cosper if you have trouble joining.

Monday, February 1, 2021

February 17th Meeting


 Hi guys our next meeting is February 17th on Zoom.

Executive Board is at 5:30 pm

General Membership is at 7 pm

Meeting Code: 601 000 6725

Pass Code: cmal300


Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Late November Meeting Minutes


Hey guys,

Sorry about the late upload, it's been a busy December/January. Here's the November Meeting Minutes. I will be creating a new page soon that just contains Meeting Minutes and Treasurer Reports. So be on the lookout for that.

Friday, January 1, 2021

Vacant Positions


Hello everyone, 

We have 3 vacant positions, 2 of which are for the executive board. The positions and their descriptions are as follows:

Editor (E Board)

Section 7. The Editor:           

A.    Will edit, publish, and distribute the paper (PACER).

B.    This paper shall include an editorial column.

C.   The Editorial Committee shall consist of the Editor and two (2) officers or trustees plus other interested members as approved by the President.

D.   Will update and maintain a current, accurate mailing list.

E.    Compensation to the Editor shall be Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) per year in salary, plus payment of lost time not to exceed sixteen (16) hours per issue.  The PACER will be published a minimum of four (4) but not to exceed six (6) times per year.  The Editor’s dues will be reimbursed in December of each year.

F.    Shall follow the rules for nomination notice as described in Article 5, Section 3.B and will publish and mail an Election Issue of the PACER no later than October 30th of each election year.

Clerk Craft Director (E Board)

Section 9. The Craft Directors:

A.    Shall be responsible for handling problems relating to their craft

1.    Shall initiate Step one grievances on adverse job actions.

B.    Shall maintain a written updated file of all jobs within their respective craft.

C.   Shall work with the Step Two Advocates to unsure that the Advocates are not overburdened with grievances.

D.   Shall act as a liaison between the various crafts and the President.

E.    Shall perform other duties deemed necessary by the President.

F.    Shall submit articles on a regular basis to the Editor.

G.   Shall be compensated per year in salary as follows:

1.    Clerk Craft Director – Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00)

2.    Maintenance Craft Director – Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00)

3.    Vehicle Maintenance Craft Director – Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00)

The Craft Directors’ dues shall be reimbursed in December of each year.

Installation Director of Lansing Plant

 Section 10. The Installation Director:

A.    Shall be elected by a majority vote of the APWU members in their respective installation.

B.    Shall be responsible for handling problems and grievances in their respective installations.

C.   Shall appoint and remove all stewards in their respective installations with the consent of the Executive Board as directed by Article 8 Section 1.  The installation Director will also be responsible for providing management with a current steward list.

D.   Shall schedule and chair steward meetings of their respective installations as necessary.

E.    Shall submit the agenda for Labor/Management meetings and be the chief Union spokesperson at those meetings.

F.    Shall conduct Local Negotiations including the authorization of the Negotiation Team for their respective installations.  No tentative Local Agreement shall take effect until ratified by the CMAL Executive Board.

G.   Shall work under the direction of the President.

H.   Shall be compensated per year in salary as follows:

1.    In installations with one (1) to forty-nine (49) employees in the bargaining unit – One Hundred Fifty Dollars ($150.00)

2.    In installations with fifty (50) or more employees in the bargaining unit – Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00).

3.    In installation with over two hundred (200) employees in the bargaining unit – Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00).

I.      Shall notify the President of any proposed changes in the stewards list.  These changes will be temporary until voted on the next regularly scheduled Executive Board Meeting.

 Any member in good standing can apply for a vacant position by mailing a written letter of interest to the CMAL President.  Such letter must be postmarked no later than seven (7) days prior to the Executive Board/General membership Meeting at which the vacancy is to be filled. Alternatively you can hand a written letter of interest to the CMAL President directly.

We look forward to hearing for you, if you have any questions about positions feel free to ask. 

Monday, October 12, 2020

October Meeting

Our next meeting is October 21st on zoom. General membership starts at 7pm.

Just follow this link or use this ID/PC in your Zoom app to join.

ID: 831 5487 0169 Passcode: 600413